Please download the forms and fill them out. The arrangement form may be filled out online or downloaded. Cremation Permit Authorization Form Arrangement Form Online Arrangement FormAll fields are required. Please fill out this form after you speak with one of our staff members. This form will not serve as notification of passing. Basic Information of Decedent First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Age Date of Birth* Place of Birth Date of Death* Vital Statistics of Decedent Deceased's Address Place of Death Father's Name Mother's Name (use maiden name) Veteran? --Select One-- Yes No Highest Education Level --Select One-- Less than high school High school diploma or equivalent Some college, no degree Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Doctoral or professional degree Social Security Number (use dashes) Sex --Select One-- Male Female Race (please choose from one of the following selections and specify if necessary) --Select One-- White Black or African American Asian Indian American Indian or Alaska Native Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean Vietnamese Other Asian (specify) Native Hawaiian Guamanian or Chamorro Samoan Other Pacific Islander (specify) Other (specify) Specify Race (If Applicable) Marital Status --Select One-- Married Married but Separated Widowed Divorced Never Married Unknown Spouse's Maiden Name (First & Last) Citizen --Select One-- Yes, legal citizen No, not a legal citizen Occupation (Before Retirement) Employer (Before Retirement) Number of Certified Copies of Death Certificate requested at $20.00 each: Informant's Contact Information Your Name* Relationship to Deceased* Your Address Your Phone Number* After submitting this form you will be contacted about the next steps in the process. Submit Do Not Fill This Out